Our mission is to support ALL families so that everyone in our community can thrive. The families we enroll in subsidy often need much more than child care assistance. They need resources …diapers, food, clothing, counseling services for parents and children, help navigating the systems built to support them, and above all, they need community…someone to talk to, hear their stories, and help provide solutions.
Hively Provides Much More than Child Care Assistance
We provide stability. We provide hope. We provide belonging.
We Are Hively.
Thank you for your donation. Click on a donation block to learn more about how your donation impacts families in our community now and in the future…
Corporate Matching
Maximize your donation! If your company has a corporate matching program in place, request a matching gift form from your employer and send it, completed and signed, with your gift. We will do the rest!
By Mail
Please make checks payable to Hively and mail to:
7901 Stoneridge Drive, Suite 150
Pleasanton, Ca, 94588
Donate Stock
Would you like to make a donation of appreciated stock to Hively? Click on the button to begin the process with Stock Donator. Questions? Please contact Elaine Lenore.
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Thank you to all our supporters!