Family, Friend, and Neighbor Caregivers, Prospective Licensees, and Licensed Family Home and Center Based Staff Child Care Providers are invited to learn about the State of California’s Child Care Disaster Preparedness Plan 2016. This plan provides information and resources to support child care providers, children in their care, and their families before, during, and after an emergency or disaster (both natural and human caused).
Learning Objectives:
Participants will learn about:
• the 4 ongoing phases of Emergency Management: Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery
• the role that federal, state, and local community agencies will play in emergency communication with child care programs
• how to plan for emergencies and disasters
• what equipment and supplies should be packed and ready for both sheltering in place and evacuation
• Typical reactions of children following a disaster
ECE Competencies Topic: Health, Safety, and Nutrition
Check with your PGA to confirm this training counts as Professional Growth Hours