January 2020 Hively Newsletter

From Our CEO, Kelly O’Lague
“And now let us welcome the new year, full of things that never were. ”
– Rainer Maria Rilke
As we begin the new year, I am reflecting on the quote above. This truly will be a year full of things that have never been before, at least at Hively!
We have new programs, new clients, new staff and even a new Oakland location as of February 1st.
At the risk of dating myself, I have been a licensed therapist for over 30 years. I have seen the desperate need for mental health services that families face. I’ve also heard, for over a decade, how the shortage of available, affordable mental health services impact families in Alameda County.
We are very excited that as of February we are going to be able to offer play therapy for kids, individual therapy for adolescents and adults, family therapy and group therapy in our San Leandro and Pleasanton locations. We plan to begin offering similar services in our new Oakland location by summer 2020. Children and families desperately need these expanded mental health services. Through a variety of partnerships and with the full support of our board, we are excited to move forward in this new direction!
We will continue to provide all the other programs and services Hively is known for. We will just be adding these new services to our menu of offerings!
As always, we invite you to be part of our Hively community! We work every day to improve the lives of the children and families in our community. There is so much to do. Will you help us? For more information on how you can get involved, email us at hello@behively.org.