September 2019 Hively Newsletter

From Our CEO, Kelly O’Lague
“We don’t heal in isolation, but in community.”
-S. Kelley Harrell
According to a recent study, almost half the nation’s children have experienced at least one or more types of serious childhood trauma. This translates into an estimated 34,825,978 children nationwide.
Even more concerning, nearly a third of U.S. youth age 12-17 have experienced two or more types of childhood adversity that are likely to affect their physical and mental health as adults. According to trauma expert Dr. Christina Bethell, “If more prevention, trauma-healing and resiliency training programs aren’t provided for children who have experienced trauma, and if our educational, juvenile justice, mental health and medical systems are not changed to stop traumatizing already traumatized children, many of the nation’s children are likely to suffer chronic disease and mental illness in adulthood.
The statistics regarding childhood trauma are daunting. At Hively, we are committed to identifying and addressing the risk factors that lead to childhood trauma. We are also committed to helping children heal. Recognizing that, as S. Kelley Harrell stated, we don’t heal in isolation, we need to create intentional communities of healing. Will you be part of our Hively healing community? For more information on how you can get involved, email us at